Young professionals only have time to focus on cooking at dinnertime and are impatient with apps that offer recipe types they'll never use.
The Supper Club’s mission is to provide everything our users need to plan evening meals for any situation, whether setting a table for one or hosting a crowd.
Young professionals only have time to focus on cooking at dinnertime and are impatient with apps that offer recipe types they'll never use.
To provide a source for everything you need to know about crafting your evening meal, from recipes for one to party planning for a crowd.
User interviews revealed that due to their busy professional lives, many recipe app users can only spend time cooking at their evening meals--a time they treasured as a source of creativity, learning, caregiving, and connection. I developed three composite, representative user profiles based on my findings.
I developed two moodboards to explore different directions for the app’s look and feel, as pictured below. After preference tests and reflection, I decided to go with the aesthetics reflected in Moodboard Option 2, since they were cleaner and incorporated colors taken straight from the food photography that inspired the look.
Body: Nunito Sans Regular
Link: Nunito Sans Regular
Supper Club's final design honors the ritual of the evening meal with a well-curated app that teaches users to feed both body and soul.